The Message of the Stars[16]

The Message of the Stars[16]

[PAGE 347]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

                                 CHAPTER XVI

                       URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

   The  love ray of Venus goes out to the mate and blood relations but by  a
good  aspect of Uranus it is raised beyond the realm of sex love  to  cosmic
proportions,  to love such as that which christ must have felt when he  wept
over Jerusalem and said that,  as a hen fathers it brood under its wing,  so
would he have loved to father them to his bosom.   The people who have  this
Uranian  love therefore become builders of society;  associated  with  every
good  and uplifting movement.   An adverse aspect of Uranus to Venus on  the
other  hand,  has the most degrading effect on the Venus  function,  for  it
leads to disregard of the laws and conventions of society and to  perversion
of the sacred creative function.

   Love is a much abused word,  and the emotion thus miscalled is usually so
tainted  with desire that it is Martian passion rather than  Venusian  love.
Coalition,  the keyword of Venus, suggests a most intimate union, a blending
of the very souls of two or more people who compose a family.  But ALTRUISM,
the  keyword of Uranus,  hints at such an all-embracing love as our  Saviour
felt.  Thus Uranus is the octave of Venus and anyone ready to enter the path

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of preparation which leads to initiation must gradually learn to outgrow the
Venus  love which makes the immediate family all in all and begin to  culti-
vate the all-embracing Uranian altruism.

   This goal is high and those who aim so high often fall very low.  When we
essay to transcend the Venus love and cultivate the Uranian altruism we  are
thus in great danger,  and the most promising live are sometimes wrecked  by
the pernicious theory of soul-mates, which leads to clandestine love affairs
and perversion of the creative function.   But remember this--altruism  does
not  require return of the love bestowed upon others,  it has absolutely  no
concern with sex; it will not lessen the love for our family, but they being
nearest  to us will feel the increase of our love to a greater  degree  than
those  further away,  and unless our love brings forth such fruit it is  not
Uranian and will not further us upon the path of attainment.

   Seeing this is so,  we may readily understand that the great majority  of
humanity  cannot yet respond to the higher side of Uranus,  and  its  effect
upon the morals is therefore principally perversion of sex, clandestine love
affairs,  free love,  and disregard of conventionality; that is,  of course,
when  aspected by squares and oppositions.   Under such conditions it  makes
people unconventional and erratic,  rebellious at the least restraint,  very
independent and brusque in manner,  fond of pioneer work,  and investigation

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of  unusual  things.   They  take  to  the  higher  mechanics,  electricity,
aviation,  and the like,  as a duck to water,  and are rather proud of their
attainments.   They find prominence in literature, science, philosophy,  and
especially  in the occult arts.   Uranus also gives a high grade of  musical
genius when configurated with Venus,  and if Uranus is well fortified in  by
position  and aspects it qualifies the person for leadership in  an  unusual
way.   It may also be said that the effects of the Uranian ray are very sud-
den and unexpected, whether for good or ill, it comes like a bolt out of the
blue, and as we respond most easily to its evil side, these effects are gen-
erally disastrous in nature.  When Uranus is on the Ascendant it adds length
to the body, so that the true Uranian are usually very tall.

                         URANUS IN THE TWELVE HOUSES

   URANUS IN THE FIRST HOUSE, even when well-aspected, makes the person very
odd  and eccentric in his habits,  so that he seems to delight in doing  ex-
actly the things that are against the conventions and customs,  just so that
he may appear odd.  He always finds an original way of doing things, differ-
ent from that of all other people, and is very self-satisfied in his opinion
that  his methods and ideas are better than any one else's.   If opposed  he
will defend his ideas to the last ditch,  if Uranus is in any way afflicted.
But when Uranus is well-aspected  in  the  First  House  there  is usually a

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tolerance for the opinions of others. a spirit of give-and-take which avoids
the hard feelings generated by an afflicted Uranus.  Uranus on the Ascendant
also  makes the person very restless,  there are many sudden changes in  the
life and it will,  of course, depend upon the aspects prevailing at the time
whether the changes are for good or ill; but at any rate the call of the far
fields that look so green, are constantly before the mind's eye, sot hat the
Uranians  are always ready to be the pioneers in new undertakings or  a  new
cause,  just so that it is something that has not been tried before,  and so
offers a chance of risk and adventure.

   URANUS IN THE SECOND HOUSE, which governs finance,  naturally indicates a
restless and unsettled state of the finances of the person.   There will  be
many ups and down, and even though such a person may have other good aspects
that quality him to reason accurately concerning other matters,  it will  be
found  that  in  the financial department he is unable  to  protect  himself
against these sudden and unforeseen losses,  or gains.   For him there is no
such thing as a staid and solid investment,  for the most  unlooked-for-con-
ditions are likely to turn up and either net him an altogether  unlooked-for
increase  or else bring about an equally unaccountable loss,  all with  such

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suddenness that there is no way of changing the matter.  Therefore it is ab-
solutely  impossible to give financial advice to such people,  for  even  if
they invested in a proposition as solid as the proverbial rock of Gibraltar,
it is doubtful if an earthquake would not unsettle it.

   URANUS IN THE THIRD HOUSE.  The Third House governs brothers and sisters,
neighbors,  education, and the mental or intellectual faculties.   Therefore
this position strengthens the intuitional abilities of the person, and gives
a certain predisposition towards what is commonly called psychic  faculties.
Uranus rules the ether,  hence the Third House position should make it  easy
for  the  person  to  cultivate spiritual sight,  especially  if  Uranus  is
well-aspected with the Sun, Moon, Venus or Mercury.   If Uranus is afflicted
in the Third House it indicates quarrels with neighbors,  brothers and  sis-
ters,  probably a breaking up of the family ties,  also that  the  education
will be interfered with through the erratic, self-willed conduct of the per-
son,  and  the  mind will be more or less unsettled,  and  changeable  as  a
weather-vane.   An afflicted Uranus in the Third House also  predisposes  to
accidents according to the nature of the afflicting planet, and particularly
when on short journeys.   These people, it may also be said,  are subject to
adventures  and strange happenings on their journeys such as do not  usually
befall other people.

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   URANUS IN THE FOURTH HOUSE.   People who have Uranus in the Fourth  House
ought to leave their place of birth as soon as possible for they cannot suc-
ceed there.   Both the parents and their whole neighborhood and  environment
will be antagonistic to them.  If it so happens that the parents are wealthy
they  will try to disinherit a child with Uranus in the Fourth House.   Even
if his Seventh and Eighth Houses be well fortified,  it is very doubtful  if
he would win in a contest for his share of the patrimony, as the public sen-
timent in his birthplace,  where such a suit would probably be tried,  would
be so much against him that he would lose in the end.   It would also be di-
sastrous  for  such a person to marry and establish a home of his  own,  for
peace,  harmony and contentment cannot exist where the spasmodic and erratic
Uranus is; that is to say, if it is afflicted.  If it is well-aspected it is
also  doubtful if such a person would ever attempt to establish a home,  for
his  sympathies would be too large and he would probably be identified  with
wider  activities--a  home or homes on a larger and  more  universal  scale.
This position also gives a very strong attraction towards occult science.

   URANUS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE.  The Fifth House rules educational activities,
publications, pleasures, courtship, and childbirth.  The  erratic  Uranus in

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this House will in the first place give some very unconventional ideas  con-
cerning  the  intercourse and relation of the sexes and usually leads  to  a
clandestine  relationship contrary to the laws of the land.   A  woman  with
this condition in her horoscope is particularly prone to be taken  advantage
of even though she may not consciously be guilty of inviting undue advances.
It also makes parturition very difficult and if a child is brought to  birth
there  is  danger of loss by some sudden accident or  unusual  disease.   If
other influences in the horoscope give a leaning toward literature, a person
who  has Uranus in the Fifth House will be found to espouse  some  unconven-
tional cause, like socialism, anarchism, or kindred movements, and if Uranus
be afflicted by Saturn,  Mars,  or Neptune, the articles written by him,  or
the  paper published by him or with which he is connected will probably  in-
cite to bloodshed,  conspiracy,  and treachery,  which will bring the person
into  trouble  with  the  authorities.   If on the  other  hand,  Uranus  be
well-aspected  from the Fifth House in a horoscope indicating literary  ten-
dencies, the ideas advocated on account of this Uranian influence will prob-
ably be so Utopian,  idealistic, and altruistic that they will be beyond the
contemporaries of the person.   The love nature will also be of such a  high
idealistic strain that few if any will be able to respond, and this may also

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mitigate  in a large measure the physical trouble indicated in  parturition.
A  person with a well-aspected Uranus in the Fifth House would  not  gamble,
and  if  one  who  has an afflicted Uranus  there  attempted  it,  he  would
naturally meet with loss,  no matter how careful he might seem to be.   With
respect  to  the pursuit of pleasure indulged in by these people,  we  shall
find them attracted to all new and strange things.   At the present time the
most  of them are probably longing for the day when it will be possible  for
them  to race in the clouds and drive aeroplanes more recklessly  than  they
are now driving automobiles.

   URANUS  IN THE SIXTH HOUSE.   The Sixth House governs the employment  and
service, also health and disease, therefore the erratic, spasmodic Uranus in
the  Sixth House predisposes to occupational diseases of a  strange  nature,
asphyxiation, mental and nervous disorders, such as epilepsy, and St.  Vitus
dance.   Even if Uranus is well-aspected,  these tendencies are not entirely
abrogated, at least, a person with Uranus in this position will be very ner-
vous  and highstrung under all conditions.   With respect to  employers  and
fellow-employees  this  position  makes the person  very  irritable;  he  is
brusque and abrupt to all connected with his work  and  therefore  liable to

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trouble in employment or with employees.  This position gives a tendency to-
wards mediumship and undesirable phases of psychic experiences.   If  Uranus
is much afflicted there is also danger of obsession and insanity.

   URANUS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE,  indicates a romantic,  sudden,  or ill-con-
sidered marriage.   Sometimes a common-law or other irregular form of  union
is consummated under this position.   Often the marriage partner is a person
never  thought of as a mate until the Uranian ray impels to marriage on  the
spur of th moment.

   People with Uranus in the Seventh house are usually unfortunate in  their
marriage relations,  because the marriage partner has the spasmodic,  incon-
stant,  independent Uranian nature,  chafes under the limitation and  cannot
remain true to any one person, but becomes inveigled into clandestine  rela-
tions  with the result that the marriage is often dissolved in  the  divorce
court and separation and estrangement follow; there is quite often a  public
scandal  in connection with these affairs,  or it may indicate the death  of
the marriage partner, all according to aspects.

   People  with Uranus in the Seventh House should never go to law,  for  no
matter  how just their cause may be they are most likely to be  thwarted  or
checkmated by some strange, unforseen or  sudden  circumstances whereby they

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are apt to lose their case.   They should also avoid public office or  posi-
tion,  for  no matter how honest they may be themselves they are  likely  to
become involved in scandal and trouble on that account.  In short, this Sev-
enth House position of uranus is bad for dealings of any kind with the  pub-
lic or with law or partners.

   URANUS  IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE is a good omen,  for it indicates  that  when
life has been lived to its fullness the end will come suddenly and thus  the
person  will be spared the long and pitiful suffering so often  incident  to
the transition from the physical to the spiritual worlds.   But knowing this
it also behooves such people to have their house in readiness and order,  so
that when the end comes at 30 or 90 they have their affairs in shape.

   This  position  often brings an unexpected legacy  through  the  marriage
partner when well-aspected; but if Uranus is afflicted the person may become
involved  in  litigation on account of or in connection with the  estate  of
someone deceased.

   People  with Uranus in the Eighth House often show great interest in  oc-
cult subjects and become well versed in mystic lore.   It also gives a  pre-
disposition to dreams and psychic experience.

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   URANUS IN THE NINTH HOUSE gives a progressive and independent mind, or an
original and inventive turn, sometimes amounting to genius; the intuition is
highly  developed and these people indulge in constructive dreams of such  a
nature  as  transform  the world in the course of  time--that  is,  provided
Uranus  is well-aspected.   Nevertheless they are generally looked  upon  as
cranks because their ideas are so Utopian and far in advance of our  present
stage that the ordinary human beings cannot grasp them.   On the other hand,
if  uranus is afflicted in the Ninth House,  particularly if by Mars,  these
people  become red anarchists and are not even averse to shedding  blood  in
order  to attain what they believe is the ideal;  they become  fanatical  in
whatever cause they espouse.

   This position of Uranus also indicates trouble in travel, particularly on
voyages, and danger of accidents.  It is one of the signs which make the ex-
plorer and pioneer in the discovery and development of new countries.

   URANUS  IN  THE TENTH HOUSE indicates an original,  eccentric  character,
with  a contempt for conventions,  who follows his own ideas  regardless  of
what other people say or think,  hence such people are often looked upon  as
black sheep and estranged from their kindred, but  this  they do not seem to

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regard as a misfortune;  they are ready to offer up all,  even life  itself,
for  absolute freedom.   These characteristics also bring them  into  public
discredit  and disfavor.   The life is full of sudden changes for better  or
worse  according to the other planetary aspects prevailing.   If  Uranus  is
much afflicted these people never make a success in life, but meet with con-
tinual  sorrow,  trouble,  disappointment  and  reverses.   When  Uranus  is
well-aspected genius will come to the fore and is likely to find recognition
in some measure at least, probably by pioneer work of some kind.

   URANUS  IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE.   Uranus being lord of the Eleventh  Sign,
Aquarius,  is more at home in the Eleventh House than in any of the  others,
therefore he exerts a strong influence in bringing about strange and  eccen-
tric friendships with people of an original, creative,  or inventive turn of
mind  who will be a benefit to the person if Uranus is well-aspected.   This
also indicates that through such friendships the wishes,  hopes and  aspira-
tions will be promoted and reach a successful culmination.   If on the other
hand, Uranus is afflicted in this house, friends are apt to turn traitors or
at least use the person for their own selfish ends as far as possible.

   URANUS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE indicates loss of reputation, exile,  and es-
trangement from one's kin and country,  much  sickness  at  various times of

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life and confinement in hospitals,  if Uranus is without configuration  with
any  other planet or even if well aspected.   But if seriously afflicted  it
indicates confinement in prison at some period of the life,  or restraint in
a sanitarium on account of mental trouble, also much annoyance by the under-
handed action of others.  When well-aspected it brings success in connection
with  the  occult  arts or occult institutions,  also by  the  invention  of
chemical processes which remain secret with their discoverer instead of  be-
ing  protected by patent.   These people are haunted all through life  by  a
vague fear of impending disaster.

                         URANUS IN THE TWELVE SIGNS

   URANUS IN ARIES gives an original, independent nature, full of energy and
ambition,  ingenious,  resourceful and capable of coping with  difficulties,
especially those of a mechanical or electrical nature.   These people have a
very impulsive, abrupt and brusque manner which often arouses resentment and
opposition  in others even though no offense may have been  intended.   They
are  seldom satisfied to remain in one place,  but are fond of  changes  and
rove  about a great deal.   Changes of place and position are  often  forced
upon them because of the before-mentioned blunt way of speaking.

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   URANUS  IN  TAURUS  gives  a  very  intuitive  nature  but  stubborn  and
self-willed,  so that when these people have made up their minds nothing  in
the world will turn them,  but they cling to their purpose or idea with  the
quiet determination and persistence which neither persuasion nor threats can
alter.  If Uranus is afflicted they are suspicious and jealous, also subject
to very sudden and unexpected reverses in financial affairs.   But if Uranus
is well-aspected the opposite may be judged,  and comfortable financial cir-
cumstances may be looked for.

   URANUS IN GEMINI gives a highly original, intuitive and versatile nature,
fond of scientific pursuits in general, but particularly those studies which
have to do with electricity, aviation,  or other similar out-of-the-way sub-
jects.   These people are broad-minded and thoroughly progressive,  pioneers
in all things new and modern.  Among other things they generally have an in-
clination  for the study of occultism and astrology.   They are  well  liked
among  brothers,  sisters,  and neighbors.  All  this  providing  Uranus  is
well-aspected;  but  if Uranus is afflicted the mind becomes  eccentric  and
full of vagaries which make the person a nuisance and a crank,  disliked  by
everybody,  particularly brothers, sisters and neighbors.   This also brings
trouble and liability to accident in the course of short journeys.

[PAGE 361]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

   URANUS IN CANCER.   Cancer is a psychic sign and when Uranus is there  it
indicates that the person is a sensitive,  attuned to the psychic vibrations
and capable of cultivating these powers, but whether for good or ill depends
upon the aspects.  If Uranus is afflicted there is a tendency to nervous in-
digestion for Cancer rules the stomach, and if this is not attended to seri-
ous stomach trouble may be expected.  These people are liable to  separation
from their families, though usually much against their will, but as they are
generally of a very uncertain temper, irritable and impatient, they are usu-
ally to blame for this condition and are only getting their just desserts.

   URANUS IN LEO gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of
restraint  or contradiction,  with strong likes and dislikes,  and an  utter
disregard  of the conventions where the passional nature is  involved.   The
personality is strong,  forceful and self-assertive,  therefore these people
often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition.   They are
very inconstant in affairs of the heart--"on with the new love" before it is
"off with the old."   In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows  dif-
ficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sud-
den, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency  towards  palpitation  of the

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heart.   When Uranus is well-aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic af-
fairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius,
particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for entertainment
and amusement of the public and gain thereby.

   URANUS IN VIRGO,  when well-aspected gives a keen,  original,  scientific
and mechanical mind,  a strong and well developed intuitional faculty and  a
keen business bent which will make for success in life,  and financial  gain
by the employment of others.

   But if Uranus is afflicted in Virgo, the person is apt to become  subject
to  strange ailments,  a hypochondriac of a fractious and irritable turn  of
mind,  a burden to himself and those who have to be around him.   This posi-
tion is also full of disappointment in the aims and ambitions of life, espe-
cially  because of limitations in the employment or in dealing with  employ-
ees, which the person seems unable to overcome.

   URANUS IN LIBRA,  when well-aspected gives literary and artistic  ability
of an unusual and original nature where the person follows independent lines
of endeavor and expression, often in connection with occultism.   This posi-
tion also gives a keen  intuition  and  an  attractive  personality, a vivid

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imagination.   It signifies partnership,  union, or marriage to someone  who
will be of a Uranian character and of much benefit to the person.

   But when ill-placed or afflicted, Uranus in Libra brings sorrow, trouble,
domestic difficulty and death of the marriage partner by a sudden or strange
ailment or accident.   Or perhaps the union may be dissolved in the  divorce
court,  for people with the temperament described by an afflicted Uranus  in
Libra simply cannot remain true to one person.  This position also indicates
trouble  with the public or the authorities on account of  eccentric,  anar-
chistic, or socialistic activity.

   URANUS IN SCORPIO, when well-aspected gives the person a forceful and de-
termined  will,  bound to overcome all obstacles and achieve that  which  he
sets  out to accomplish by persistence,  perseverance and dogged  determina-
tion;  the mind is sharp, shrewd and secretive,  capable of grasping details
and concentrating deeply upon whatever problem may be in hand.   There is an
originality  and mechanical ability amounting to genius and a love for  sci-
ence, both occult and physical.

   But  when ill-aspected,  Uranus in Scorpio lays the person liable to  ac-
cidents  and even assassination or sudden death by explosions,  electricity,
aeroplanes or kindred unusual agencies.  It also gives a tendency to trouble

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with the genitals on account of unbridled abuse of the sacred creative func-
tion, self-abuse or perversion.

   URANUS  IN SAGITTARIUS gives a very strong intuitive faculty with a  ten-
dency to dreams, visions, and a very vivid imagination.   This position also
gives a strong inclination towards an out-of-the-ordinary belief,  including
the theory and practice of the occult arts.   When well-aspected this  posi-
tion  gives a strong grasp of the religious and educational problems of  the
day,  with a philanthropic desire to work for the upliftment of humanity,  a
desire to travel for the educational advantages thereby to be obtained,  and
success  in gaining these points under favorable aspects in  the  progressed

   When afflicted,  Uranus in Sagittarius gives a very eccentric and erratic
mentality, particularly with respect to law and religion.  There is a rebel-
lion  against the social condition which often brings trouble with  the  au-
thorities, also a desire to force one-sided views upon the world despite all
protests  and at all risk, characteristics which eventually bring  discredit
and disfavor.

   URANUS IN CAPRICORN, when well-aspected gives an ambitious and enterpris-
ing disposition,  a serious,  persevering nature, and an acute sense of  re-
sponsibility, with original ideas of business that bring success, especially
if some line is selected that is connected  with  the  electrical  or aerial

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   If  Uranus  is  afflicted  it  gives  an  erratic  and  eccentric   mind,
self-willed and stubborn,  bound to either rule or ruin,  quarrelsome and at
odds with society in general and relatives in particular.   Hence this posi-
tion gives a great deal of sorrow and trouble in life,  frequently involving
sudden changes of employment and environment.

   URANUS  IN AQUARIUS,  when well-aspected is at its very best,  for he  is
ruler of this sign and therefore in harmony with its vibrations.  Hence this
position strengthens the intuition and originality, and directs the energies
into  humanitarian  lines of endeavor,  unselfish devotion to the  cause  of
friendship,  and  a sincere desire to help all who are  in  trouble.   These
people make many friends and generally realize their hopes, wishes,  and am-
bitions  because they are of such an unselfish nature that they desire  what
is  good for humanity at large rather than that which is for personal  gain.
This  position also gives considerable mechanical ability,  originality  and
inventive genius.

   But if Uranus is afflicted in the sign Aquarius, though the ambitions may
be  as  strong and sometimes as good, and as pure as  with  a  well-aspected
Uranus,  they  will  be  of  such an erratic nature that it is impossible to

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realize  them,  and  they  bill bring trouble  with  friends,  or  pretended
friends, who will seek to use the person for their own selfish ends, causing
much sorrow and disappointment.

   URANUS IN PISCES,  when well-aspected indicates a love of the occult arts
and  ability for development along these lines.   It brings friends and  as-
sociations  which favor these studies.   But when ill aspected it  leads  to
mediumship,  obsession,  and even insanity, if this tendency to  intercourse
with  spirits is followed to its conclusion.   This position makes the  mind
flighty,  erratic,  and the person will be subject to unexpected misfortune,
scandal,  or suicide.   All through life, even when fortune smiles  and  the
skies  are clear to all outward appearance,  these people are haunted  by  a
vague fear of impending disaster.


   THE  SUN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO URANUS makes the person original,  inventive
and independent in his manner of conduct and personal appearance.   With re-
spect to food and certain mannerisms,  he is what people call eccentric  and
conspicuous,  yet not offensively so,  given to pursuits and  studies  which
people consider "queer" such  as occultism and astrology.  But he also loves

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delving into the unknown realms after nature's secrets concerning  electric-
ity  and often becomes a successful inventor if other aspects give  the  me-
chanical  ability to work his schemes out.   Uranus rules the ether and  now
that we are nearing the Aquarian Age his vibrations will be felt in increas-
ing measure,  bringing to our ken methods of using nature's finer forces and
the  people with Sun sextile or trine Uranus will be the media  who  attract
and interpret them for us as the aerials and receivers in a wireless station
collect and transcribe the messages carried by the ether waves to which they
are  attuned.   These people often rise in life through  the  friendship  of
someone above them in the social scale.  They are of a very high-strung tem-
perament but have themselves well under control,  and rarely show temper  or
anger.  They are also out-and-out idealists.

person very high-strung,  nervous, of uncontrolled emotions and ready to fly
into hysteria on any or no provocation.  It predisposes to nervous disorders
such as St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and lack of coordination.  It makes people
impulsive,  unreliable,  and lacking in regard  for  the  conventionalities,
highly impatient of any restraint  upon  their  liberty and committed to the

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theory of affinities, soul-mates and free love, hence these people are unde-
sirable  marriage  partners and likely to figure in divorce  proceedings  or
scandals  of an even worse nature.   There is also danger of trouble on  ac-
count  of connection with anarchistic plots where the inventive faculty  may
find scope in the construction of explosives and infernal machines.   Unless
these aspects are modified by other configurations such people are among the
most  dangerous to society.   They are liable to accidents from  lightening,
electricity and all through life they meet disappointment from the most  un-
expected quarters.

   VENUS  SEXTILE  OR TRINE TO URANUS makes the person  mentally  alert,  or
quick intuitive perception and exceedingly magnetic,  especially to the  op-
posite sex; and it also attracts hosts of friends who will be of benefit and
assistance to him.  These aspects give love of art, music and poetry and are
a  favorable  indication of a happy marriage, often at a very early  age  or
suddenly consummated.   The good aspects between Venus and Uranus also some-
times  bring to the subject love of a platonic nature which then acts as  an
inspiration in the life.

   VENUS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO URANUS.  As in the case of Mars conjunc-
tion to Venus, so also in the case of Uranus conjunction to Venus,  there is
a doubt as to whether this aspect should be classed  as  good or evil.  This

[PAGE 369]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

must be settled in the individual horoscope where it occurs, for it may work
either way,  depending upon the other planetary configurations and the  stu-
dent  will therefore have to use his judgment as to how he classes  it.   If
Venus is otherwise afflicted in the horoscope, for instance, the conjunction
or  parallel  will further accentuate her evil qualities and  act  like  the
square  or opposition,  but if she is well placed or aspected,  Uranus  will
bring out the nobler side, the same as the sextile or trine.

   VENUS  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS.   The square or opposition  always
brings trouble through the sex relation--quarrels, divorces, public scandals
through  clandestine intercourse and kindred irregularities,  with  loss  of
friends,  prestige and popularity, exile from home and family and sudden fi-
nancial losses through unexpected or unforseen happenings.   There is a gen-
eral lack of balance, an erratic personality.

   MERCURY SEXTILE OR TRINE TO URANUS gives an original, independent and ec-
centric mind impatient of the fetters of fashion,  tradition and convention.
Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in  com-
plete liberty.   Therefore this is the hall-mark of pioneers in thought  and
invention,  the  sign  of  genius.  Their  ideas  and ideals are exceedingly

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lofty,  progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the
average  man or woman who looks upon their actions and vagaries as the  out-
come  of a diseased mind.   Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on  ac-
count of their kindly and sympathetic nature.   These aspects are good for a
literary or scientific pursuit, also for invention, particularly those which
have to do with air or electricity.

flicted  the  conjunction and parallel are to be judged as bad  aspects  and
read accordingly,  but if Mercury is otherwise well placed and aspected  the
delineation given for the sextile and trine will apply.

   MERCURY SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS.   Mercury in square or opposition
to Uranus is the hall-mark of the true crank or anarchist with extreme ideas
to tear down the social structure and undertake a radical reform without the
ability to build up something better.   People with these configurations are
given to ranting and raving in public and their language is usually as cruel
as  the measures they advocate.   Whatever ability they possess  is  usually
turned to an erratic purpose and therefore they are ostracised and  disliked
wherever  they go.   They are often forced to make sudden changes to  escape
the consequences of their erratic conduct.

[PAGE 371]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

   THE MOON SEXTILE OR TRINE TO URANUS gives great originality and  indepen-
dence  to the mind which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its  imagina-
tion,  hence the person has inventive ability; he is attracted to the occult
arts and is endowed with hypnotic or magnetic powers,  also the  intuitional
ability to study and practice astrology.  If electricity is adopted as a vo-
cation  the person will make a success of it.   These aspects also give  the
person a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to lead to
a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union.

   THE MOON CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO URANUS gives mental and psychic  ten-
dencies similar to those of the good aspects and also the same liability  to
irregular  love-affairs,  but these tendencies are not so pronounced  and  a
clandestine  love-affair generated under the conjunction of Uranus  and  the
Moon may have distinctly disastrous results similar to those mentioned under
the bad aspects.   If the conjunction occurs in Cancer it indicates  nervous
indigestion; in Leo it inclines to palpitation of the heart, interferes with
the rhythm of the heartbeat and gives a spasmodic action which will probably
prove fatal when it has run its course;  in Scorpio it inclines to perverted
practices;  in Sagittarius the reflex action would be felt in the lungs  and
similarly with the other signs.

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   THE  MOON  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS makes the  person  erratic  and
touchy to a degree,  walking powder magazine ready to explode at any moment,
overbearing,  conceited and intolerant,  shunned by all who can possibly get
out of his way.   If such people are employers nobody can work for them  and
if they are employees nobody will have them.  They never remain very long in
any  place,  but  are either discharged or give up  their  position  on  the
slightest provocation.   People with these aspects are also attracted by the
occult  arts but they never make a success at them because of their  erratic
mentality.   Like the other aspects of Uranus and the Moon,  the square  and
opposition also indicate a clandestine attachment either on the part of  the
person or the marriage partner.   If Uranus occurs in the Seventh House of a
man's  horoscope it proves the wife untrue and a public scandal and  divorce
will eventually ensue.   The bad aspects of the Sun and Uranus give  similar
indications in the horoscope of a woman.

   SATURN SEXTILE OR TRINE URANUS is fortunate for a public career in an of-
ficial capacity for it gives ambition and determination with ability to con-
centrate upon the work in hand and to exercise authority,  plan and  system-
atize.  It strengthens the intuition so  that such people are guided by keen

[PAGE 373]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

interior  insight when new and important steps have to be  taken,  therefore
such  people are in demand and find positions with large corporations  where
they win their way through sheer ability.   The mind is both mechanical  and
ingenious,  hence this position often denotes the successful inventor,  par-
ticularly  along  the lines of electricity,  aerial navigation  and  kindred
pioneer lines.

   SATURN  CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO URANUS has an influence like the  good
aspects  if the planets are unafflicted,  elevated,  in angles,  essentially
dignified or exalted, as Saturn in Libra and Capricorn or Uranus in Aquarius
or Scorpio, but if the conjunction occurs in signs where either of the plan-
ets is weak or afflicted, like Saturn in Aries, Cancer or Leo,  then the in-
fluence  will be detrimental and should be judged the same as the square  or

   SATURN  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS gives an unscrupulous nature  with
an extremely violent temper.  The outbursts are as sudden as a bolt from the
blue and exhaust the person completely.  These people are very eccentric and
look  at everything from a peculiar angle--treacherous,  idle and  indolent,
malicious and altogether dangerous to the community.  These aspects also in-
dicate chronic or incurable diseases according to the signs wherein they are
placed, but as often said, if the other  indications  in  the  horoscope are

[PAGE 374]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

good  the influence of a single aspect will not bring out such evil  charac-
teristics  and therefore the whole horoscope is to be  carefully  considered
before  judging  the  influences  enumerated, for  they  may  be  materially
minimized by other favorable indications in the horoscope.

   JUPITER  SEXTILE  OR  TRINE TO URANUS gives  a  strong,  independent  and
positive personality with an ingenious, inventive and original turn of mind.
Whatever he undertakes he will carry to a conclusion or die in the  attempt.
This  position also gives a broad, humane and benevolent disposition  and  a
tendency to delve into the occult arts and sciences.   It favors association
with secret orders and gives promise of prosperity in life.   Such a  person
is  honest  and sincere,  sociable,  hospitable and friendly to  all,  hence
likely to benefit a great deal from influential friends in an official posi-
tion.   This position also gives executive ability and success in connection
with institutions of learning.

   JUPITER  CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO URANUS gives similar  indications  to
the good aspects but the influence is not quite so decided,  particularly if
either of the planets is weak by sign or otherwise afflicted.   In that case
it  will be found that the tendencies conferred are more like those  of  the
bad aspects.

[PAGE 375]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

   JUPITER  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS gives an impulsive nature  liable
to act in a sudden or impulsive nature liable to act in a sudden  impulsive,
erratic or unexpected manner to his own undoing.  Loss by speculation,  law-
suits  and impulsive extravagance are also indicated,  many changes both  of
occupation and residence, loss of friends and reputation.   It signifies one
of an ostentatious nature given to sham and camouflage and subterfuge,  gen-
erally disliked for his insincerity and double dealings;  a confidence  man,
bunko man or cheap gambler.

   MARS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO URANUS gives an energetic and ambitious disposi-
tion,  an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive mind which in resourceful in
the  highest  degree and able to cope with great difficulties  under  trying
circumstances.   Thus people with these configurations are naturally  of  an
inventive  turn of mind and successful in bringing their ideas  to  realiza-
tion.   Their  inventive genius usually expresses  itself  along  electrical
lines,  aviation,  or in other unusual directions, for these aspects are one
of  the marks of the pioneer of the Aquarian Age,  where science and  inven-
tions  will reach out in directions that are now entirely undreamed of  even
as  possibilities.   But while these people are dreamers of dreams they  are
also  practical,  energetic and enterprising in a sufficient degree to  make
their dreams come true in the world.  They have  a  wide  vision and a noble

[PAGE 376]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

nature which rises over all petty distinctions of race,  creed or color  and
recognizes  in all human beings the divine spark which is the basis of  uni-
versal brotherhood.  They may not be exactly religious in the orthodox sense
of the word but their ideas are truly cosmic,  hence they are often mistaken
for visionaries by those who do not understand them.

ratic  and eccentric disposition,  a violent temper of the worst nature,  an
unusual  resentment of even the slightest restraint and gives the  person  a
stubborn, headstrong and dogged determination to go ahead in any line of ac-
tion upon which he has decided no matter what the outcome.   He will  listen
to  neither  reason nor entreaty but follows his own course in  defiance  of
all.   People with these configurations very often become anarchists of  the
reddest  type for they do not even stop at the shedding of blood,  if  other
testimonies in the figure concur.  they are cruel, hard and cold,  without a
spark  of  true love though they may be inflamed with passion  of  the  most
burning intensity.  This is particularly the case when Mars is square Uranus
and  either planet is placed in Taurus or Scorpio.   In a woman's  horoscope
Uranus  square  Mars  usually  leads  to  seduction no matter where they are

[PAGE 377]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

placed,  but if in Taurus or Scorpio escape is almost impossible.  The other
characteristics of these planets in these configurations work themselves out
according  to the signs wherein they are placed so that their  placement  in
Taurus or Scorpio works upon the sex which is governed by these signs.  When
one of these planets is in Scorpio, if the person takes up the profession of
surgery  he will become very cruel and unfeeling,  ready to operate for  the
mere pleasure of causing pain and in consequence or in pursuit of this  pas-
sion he will probably take up vivisection and develop and unusual  ingenuity
in torturing his victims.   With Uranus or Mars in Scorpio or Pisces he will
be  underhanded or tricky though he may show a very different front  to  the
public.   In Aries it will make a rattlebrain, in Gemini and Virgo an unusu-
ally quick mentality but quick in seeing only how to trick others.   In Sag-
ittarius it will make the person very materialistic, atheistic, or fanatical
against the established religion or society.   Thus the planets blend  their
individual natures with the sign.

   NEPTUNE  SEXTILE OR TRINE TO URANUS gives inclination towards the  occult
or  mystical side of life,  and if either is placed in the Tenth  House  the
person  usually  becomes a leader or authority in these lines,  he  wins  at
least local recognition and if other testimonies  concur  his  fame  will be

[PAGE 378]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

national  or international.   Such aspects will bring direct touch with  the
spiritual  world and success in dealing with the inhabitants of that  plane.
It is also productive of dreams and visions of a prophetic and inspirational
nature.   It strengthens the healing powers and will consequently enable the
person to do a great deal of good for his suffering fellow-men.   These  as-
pects   give   a  highly  developed  intuition  which  amounts   almost   to
mind-reading.   There  is a love of travel and exploration of  the  physical
world as well as of nature's finer realms.   Nor are such people  altogether
dreamers,  they have a strong will with excellent executive  and  organizing
powers which will aid them in realizing their hopes, wishes and ambitions to
rise in life and be at the forefront of whatever profession they select.

   NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO URANUS are convertible aspects; if the
planets  are well placed by sign and otherwise well aspected,  their  effect
will be similar to the sextile or trine,  though not so pronounced,  but  if
they are cadent weak by sign, and afflicted they are only a little less evil
than when aspected by square or opposition.

   NEPTUNE SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO URANUS brings underhanded,  deceptive in-
fluences into the life which aim to undermine  the  reputation  and make the

[PAGE 379]                                    URANUS, THE PLANET OF ALTRUISM

person suffer scandal and public disfavor, sudden and unaccountable reverses
in business are met with,  or trouble in social affairs.   there is the same
love  of travel and exploration as given by the good aspects but the  person
cannot  accomplish his aims with the same facility,  or if he does it is  to
his disadvantage and brings added trouble.  He is also drawn towards the oc-
cult or mystic side of life,  but his path is beset by dangers of mediumship
and obsession and all through life he is filled with premonitions of  danger
and a vague dread of impending disaster which he can neither account for nor
dispel by will or reason,  hence uncertainty overshadows the life as a cloud
and robs him of peace and contentment.
