The Message of the Stars[14]

The Message of the Stars[14]

[PAGE 303]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

                                 CHAPTER XIV

                          MARS THE PLANET OF ACTION

   From  the Bible we learn that Jehovah was the Creator of mankind  for  we
find  His angels announcing the birth of various notable  personages.   Thus
the  conclusion is inevitable that He and they preside over  the  generative
function  and impart the quality of fertility which at that time was  looked
upon as a token of the favor of God while barrenness was indicated as a sign
of His displeasure.   This is in accordance with the Western Wisdom Teaching
which tells us that tin the earliest days when mankind was still in the mak-
ing Jehovah and His angels guided them to great temples at the times of year
when planetary conditions were propitious to generation,  and men born under
those harmonious conditions lived for hundreds of years without sickness  of
disease.   It is noticeable that wild animals which are still entirely under
the  guidance  of their group-spirits and mate only at certain  seasons  are
also immune from sickness.   Jehovah still retains control over the  fertil-
ization  of  the animals which are attuned to His lunar  vibrations  through
their   twenty-eight  pairs  of  spinal  nerves  that  correspond   to   the
twenty-eight days of the lunar  revolution  and  His  vehicle the Moon still

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measures the period of gestation for men and beasts.

   But  the Bible also tells us of LUCIFER and his FALLEN ANGELS who  taught
humanity  to take the prerogative of creation into their own hands  and  in-
stilled into them the passion that has caused sorrow, sin and death, because
the  holy function of generation which was intended only for temporary  pur-
poses of propagation and which works so well under propitious planetary con-
ditions has been desecrated and made subservient to the lusts of humanity at
all times regardless of the stellar rays.   Yet it is a mistake to think  of
the Lucifer spirits as evil,  for under the sway of the angels humanity nei-
ther good nor evil and having no choice or prerogative, but since though the
martial  Lucifer spirits we have learned to know good and evil we  are  also
able to exercise of will power to shun the evil and choose the good, to flee
from  vice  and cultivate virtue, thereby placing  ourselves  in  harmonious
co-worker-ship with God and nature and unfolding our divine possibilities so
that we may become like our Father in Heaven.

   While Jehovah and His angels are thus working upon humanity from the Moon
the  Lucifer  spirits  who rebelled against His regime are  located  on  the
planet Mars and from them also we have received and are receiving many valu-
able  gifts,  chief among them FIRE and IRON.   It is well known that  every
LIVING body is warm, for the Ego cannot manifest in the  physical world save

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through  heat,  or perhaps it should be said that heat is generated  in  the
manifestation of the Ego.   But without iron,  which exists in the blood  in
the  form of haemoglobin,  there could be no oxidation and  consequently  no
heat.   That  was  the  condition previous  to  the  fall,  so-called,  when
man-in-the-making was mindless.   But then the Lucifer spirits came and  in-
fused iron into the blood,  which made it possible for the Ego to draw  into
its vehicles and from that time the Ego became an INDWELLING spirit  capable
of evolving individuality.  Thus had it not been for the Lucifer spirits man
could  not have become man.   It is their fire and their iron that has  made
the world what it is today,  good and bad according to the use man has  made
of  it.   The solar force focused through the Moon imparts vitality and  the
faculty of growth but the rays of the Sun focused upon us by the martial Lu-
cifer  spirits give us dynamic power and are the source of all  activity  in
the world.

   Power may be latent for milleniums, as exemplified in coalbeds, which are
reservoirs  of solar force;  a furnace and engine are required to  transmute
and make it available as dynamic energy,  but,  once the sleeping giant  has
been  roused from latency to potency it knows no rest or peace till  it  has
expended the last ounce of its prodigious strength.   Under strict  control,
and carefully guided into channel of useful activity,  this Martian force is
the most valuable servant of mankind; the most powerful agent in the world's

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work,  an incomparable boon to humanity.  But if it escapes control the ser-
vant quickly takes mastery,  its inimical power of destruction and  devasta-
tion is then as terrible as scourge as its beneficent use under guidance  is
an  inestimable  blessing.   It is as precious as it is  dangerous,  eternal
vigilance is the price of safety from its ravages,  but without it the world
would be wilderness.

   Mars,  as a focus for the latent solar life,  transmutes it into  desire,
passion and what we may call animal spirits.   It is a consuming fire,  more
dangerous than all the nitroglycerine every manufactured, but also more pre-
cious than any other blessing we can have or enjoy.

   The Hindoo preacher, nurtured in a land governed by Saturn, the planet of
obstruction,  says:  "Kill out desire."  He dreams away his days in destitu-
tion,  but as "temper"  conserves the edge of the steel that carves its  way
through all obstruction,  so the well-directed energetic desires of the mar-
tial Anglo-Saxson have wrought a marvelous transformation in the earth; they
have reared a civilization beyond all which preceded it, and through perhaps
brutal  in many respects,  there is promise in that also,  according to  the
proverb:   "The greater the sinner, the greater the saint."   Parents should
take a lesson from a book of nationals and refrain from applying the  Satur-
nine wet blanket to the fiery Mars spirit of children.   Saturn always  says
"don't,  don't;"  his  aim  is  to repress and obstruct.  A clear fire under

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proper control is useful,  but death lurks in the smoke and noxious gases of
a smothered fire;  too many "don'ts"  smother legitimate ambition and  frus-
trate accomplishment; they may drive hapless victims into ways of evil,  for
the  dynamic energy of Mars must and will have an outlet,  so  beware.   The
worst  faults  of  Mars are impulsiveness and lack of  persistence,  but  he
breeds no hypocrites as does an afflicted Saturn.

   From  Mars  we receive a number of our highly-prized virtues as  well  as
some of our worst faults.  When well-aspected he gives a strong constitution
and physical endurance, a positive, independent and self-reliant nature, de-
termined and proud,  generous and energetic, resourceful and quick to learn,
especially when in Aries,  Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn, but when he is weak by
sign as in Taurus,  Cancer,  Libra or aspected by squares or oppositions  he
makes the person quick-tempered, obstinate and spiteful,  inclined to drunk-
enness and criminal acts, cruel and hard, a bully and braggart.

   People who have Mars prominent in their horoscopes are eminently  practi-
cal  and play an important part in the world's work.   They  are  especially
proficient in occupations where iron and fire are used for constructive pur-
poses or where sharp instruments are handled.  Soldiers, surgeons and butch-
ers, machine workers and iron founders, engineers and man in kindred occupa-
tions are of the martial nature.   They also excel in other positions  where
courage and intrepidity are necessary qualities.

[PAGE 308]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

                          MARS IN THE TWELVE HOUSES

   MARS IN THE ASCENDANT, OR FIRST HOUSE, when well-aspected has a most ben-
eficial influence upon the constitution, particularly if he is in one of the
fiery signs,  Aries,  Leo or Sagittarius,  or in the sign of his  exaltation
Capricorn,  but  sometimes when a weak sign like Cancer is  rising  and  the
other planets are much afflicted Mars in the Ascendant may infuse sufficient
energy  into the body to tide it over the critical period of infancy.   This
position also gives energy, ambition, courage,  self-reliance and determina-
tion which are exceedingly helpful characteristics in winning the battle  of
life.   It indicates an enterprising and practical person who will  shun  no
effort  in order to succeed.   When Mars is afflicted in the First House  he
nevertheless  strengthens the constitution and gives muscular power and  en-
durance,  but he makes such persons rash,  impulsive,  headstrong and  fool-
hardy.  Thus they neglect the ordinary precautions to guard their health and
become subject to fevers and other inflammatory diseases, also liable to ac-
cidents and loss of blood by lesions of varying magnitude,  danger from fire
such as burns or scalds,  according to the nature of the afflicting  planet.
In  this respect the Sun is usually productive of fevers and  inflammations.
Jupiter  gives liability to broken bones or accident by railroad or  rolling
stock,  Uranus  and  Saturn  falls  and  bruises and Venus disease caused by

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indulgence of the passional nature.

   MARS  IN  THE SECOND HOUSE when well-aspected makes the nature  free  and
generous in financial dealings with others.  The person has a splendid earn-
ing capacity and will make a financial success in any business or a  martial
nature involving the use of fire,  iron tools or machinery.   It is also  an
indication of money by marriage or legacy, but although the money comes fast
and easily, the person will not accumulate wealth as he is very generous and
fond  of comfort and pleasure.   When Mars is afflicted in the Second  House
money  will  come just as fast as under the good aspects at  times,  but  at
other  times  the bad aspects make the person outrageously  extravagant  and
inclined  to be reckless in financial ventures,  with the inevitable  result
that  heavy  losses are incurred and the person may find himself  without  a
cent in the world.   A competence may be made and spent several times during
life.  These people never give up, however, and when they have met financial
disaster  they immediately start to build up anew on the ruins of  the  old.
They are then usually successful for a time again,  but they can never learn
to be more careful and less extravagant, hence they are always liable to re-
peated financial shipwreck.

[PAGE 310]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   MARS  IN THE THIRD HOUSE when well-aspected makes the mind  keen,  bright
and alert, fond of argument, quick at repartee, ingenious, inventive and re-
sourceful,  with  plenty of initiative and constructive ability.   But  when
Mars  is  afflicted in the Third House it gives liability  to  accidents  on
short  journeys,  a quarrelsome nature specially liable to get into  trouble
with brothers,  sisters and neighbors.   These people are very critical  to-
wards  everybody  with  whom they come in contact  and  therefore  generally
feared and avoided when possible.

   MARS  IN THE FOURTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives a strong  constitution
which  is maintained unimpaired even in old age;  the digestive  faculty  is
particularly  good and consequently the health and strength are rugged.   It
makes the native exceedingly aggressive in his efforts to "feather his nest"
and accumulate property for old age and rainy day.  There is also likelihood
of a legacy from his parents.  This is a very fortunate position, especially
if Mars is in Aries,  Leo or Capricorn,  but if Mars is weak as in Cancer or
Pisces and afflicted by square or opposition, digestive troubles or dissipa-
tion will undermine the vitality and the person will become more quarrelsome
and disagreeable every day he lives.   He will be liable to accident by fire
in the home also to fevers and inflammatory  diseases.  People  with Mars in

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this position should leave their native place as quickly as possible.   This
may in some measure relieve the trouble.

   MARS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives an ardent, demonstrative
love-nature.   It  makes the person fond of athletic exercises,  sports  and
muscular effort,  a clean, masterful man much admired by the opposite sex or
a woman who is a real "pal" to her male companion.  These people make excel-
lent disciplinarians and are much beloved by their pupils if placed in posi-
tions as teachers,  or better still as principals for they make much  better
leaders  than followers.   But when Mars is afflicted in the Fifth House  it
makes the person very fickle in his affections.   It is on with the new love
even  before he is through with the old,  an all-around flirt and  therefore
likely to get into a great deal of trouble.   Over-indulgence of the amorous
nature  is liable to sap the vitality and create dangerous  physical  condi-
tions.   In a woman's horoscope there is grave danger of death to a child in
the horoscope of either sex.   People with Mars afflicted in the Fifth House
are  also liable to loss through gambling and speculation in  stocks,  bonds
and securities.

   MARS  IN  THE  SIXTH HOUSE when well-aspected makes  a  quick,  energetic
worker who is likely to rise to prominent position in the employ  of someone

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else, therefore the larger the firm in which he seeks employment the better.
But he should not attempt to start in business for himself,  for people with
Mars  in  the Sixth House always succeed better when in  the  employment  of
someone else.  This position also increases the vitality and should the per-
son  on  account of other planetary configurations in the  horoscope  become
subject  to disease the dynamic energy and recuperative power of  Mars  will
soon  burn and leave it in better health than before.   But a  liability  to
trouble and quarrels with other employees or employer.  Should the person be
in the position of employer himself he will always be at a variance with his
employees  and subject to loss by theft and dishonesty through  them.   They
will  waste  his goods and have no regard for his interests.   An  afflicted
Mars  in the Sixth House also gives a liability to fevers  and  inflammatory
diseases,  dangers of burns, scalds and gun-shots and accidents sustained in
the course of employment.

   MARS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives a capable, industrious
and aggressive marriage partner, untiring in the promotion of the welfare of
the family, a strong personality who is bound to rule but will do  so  in  a

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kindly manner.   This applies to both sexes,  for when in a man's  horoscope
the marriage partner is indicated by Mars in the Seventh House she also will
be masculine and will want to take the reins of government in her own hands.
However,  as  Mars in the Seventh House gives a tendency to an  early  union
when the parties are both plastic they accommodate themselves to these  con-
ditions  more easily than if the marriage were consummated at a more  mature
age.  But if Mars is afflicted in the Seventh House it indicates an accident
or sudden death to the marriage partner who will be of a domineering,  quar-
relsome nature and if one of the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio not Pisces is
on the cusp he will also be a drunkard and sex addict.   This latter applies
particularly  if Mars is afflicted in Scorpio.   Then he also brings on  in-
flammatory diseases of the genitals or rectum.

   MARS  IN  THE  EIGHTH HOUSE and well-aspected  brings  financial  benefit
through the marriage partner or by legacy.  In business it is also good  for
gain by partnerships,  lawsuits or similar Eighth House matters.   But  when
Mars  is afflicted in the Eighth House the financial conditions  grow  worse
after  marriage through the extravagance of the marriage partner.   Business
partnerships and litigation should also be avoided  for  they  are  sure  to

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bring loss.  People with Mars in this position should not delay making their
will for the end usually comes very sudden and unexpectedly.

   MARS IN THE NINTH HOUSE well-aspected gives a liberal, broad and progres-
sive view upon all problems of life.  People with Mars in this position  are
likely  to take up some cause having for its object the social or  spiritual
upliftment of mankind in general and become very enthusiastic workers in the
particular cult which has aroused their sympathies.  They are fond of a rov-
ing  life and benefit by changing from one place to another,  especially  by
travel in foreign lands.  They have a clean, clear and alert mentality and a
taking  way or presenting their views to others.   Therefore they make  good
missionaries  in whatever line of propaganda they take up.   But if Mars  is
afflicted in the Ninth House he makes people bigoted and fanatical in  their
views,  regular ranters who disgust all whom they try to afflict with  their
ideas,  whether they are religious or atheistic.   People with an  afflicted
Mars  here should never travel,  but remain in their native place  for  they
will  always be in danger of accident on journeys and however much they  may
be disliked in their native place they will find a still worse reception  in
foreign parts.

[PAGE 315]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

   MARS  IN  THE TENTH HOUSE and well-aspected is one of the best  signs  of
success in life for it gives an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with an inex-
haustible fund of energy, so that no matter what obstacles are placed in his
way the person is bound to rise to the top.  It gives a masterful nature and
good executive ability so that the person is well-qualified to conduct busi-
ness and command others.   These people succeed best in Martian  occupations
where fire,  iron or sharp tools are used in a skilled manner,  as by  engi-
neers or machinists, tailors or surgeons, et cetera.  When Mars is afflicted
in the Tenth House it gives the same energy and ambition as the good aspects
but the person will then lack discrimination and overreach himself with  the
result that he will incur the enmity of other people who will accomplish his
downfall and bring him into disrepute in the community.   Thus the life will
be filled with strife, struggle and unhappiness until the person has learned
to hold himself in leash,  regard the rights of others and abandon his auto-
cratic attitude and self-assertion.   This position also gives liability  to
accident and slander.

   MARS  IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE makes people leaders in their particular  so-
cial set, enthusiastic in the pursuit of pleasure, brings friends among mar-
tial and athletic persons;  gives energy and enthusiasm for realizing hopes,

[PAGE 316]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

wishes and aspirations.   But if Mars in the Eleventh House is afflicted  it
makes  the person touchy and sensitive towards friends with  consequent  un-
popularity and he is liable to overreach himself in his keen desire to real-
ize his ambitions in life.

   MARS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE when well-aspected may bring the person benefit
from things denoted by this house, prisons,  hospitals and charitable insti-
tutions if employed in an official capacity as warden or surgeon;  or as ad-
ministrator of an estate or in detective work.   But if Mars is afflicted in
the Twelfth House the person is liable to trouble,  sorrow and  self-undoing
all through life.   He will incur the enmity of other people and may be con-
fined in prison or an insane asylum.   If Cancer or Pisces is on the cusp of
the  Twelfth  House Mars will lead him to drunkenness and  dissipation.   If
Scorpio  is  on  the  cusp  the vitality  will  be  sapped  through  sex  or
self-abuse.   In any case Mars afflicted in the Twelfth House makes a social
outcast unless there are other redeeming features in the figure.

                          MARS IN THE TWELVE SIGNS

   MARS IN ARIES gives an energetic, enthusiastic nature, impulsive, aggres-
sive and impatient of restraint.   No matter what the obstacles in the  path
these people will attempt the seemingly impossible and often succeed through
sheer  audacity.  They  are  original,  resourceful,  have considerable  me-

[PAGE 317]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

chanical ability and the more venturesome an  undertaking  appears the  more
it appeals to them.  This position gives an abundance of vitality and a love
of sport and muscular exercise.   The person is just as enthusiastic in  his
enjoyment  of recreation and pleasure as he is in his work and on  that  ac-
count he gets a great deal out of life.   But if Mars is afflicted in  Aries
it  gives a violent temper and a liability to accidents,  burns,  scaldings,
fevers and inflammatory complaints.  The mind is also threatened.

   MARS  IN TAURUS and well-aspected is a good indication of an  early  mar-
riage.   It shows good earning power and a free,  generous disposition  with
regards to finances;  it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable  na-
ture  so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging  determina-
tion and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat,  but presses on  to-
wards  the  goal that he has set for himself despite all obstacles.   It  is
also indication of money by legacy.   But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus  it
gives an exceedingly stubborn,  violent and vindictive nature.   Such people
will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone
attempts  to  thwart them in their purposes they never forgive.   They  also
have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so  that  they  are

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often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are  more
likely  to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also  to
have domestic trouble.

   MARS IN GEMINI when well-aspected gives a keen,  active and alert mental-
ity.  People with Mars in this position never beat about the bush.  They are
honest  and outspoken and say just what they mean perhaps at times a  little
too bluntly,  but at any rate they are not hypocrites.  They love to measure
their  wits  against others in debate and therefor this position  makes  for
success in law or literature.   They also succeed in the engineering profes-
sions for they are resourceful,  ingenious and mechanical,  apt at  learning
and  quick to grasp a problem or proposition.   But if Mars is afflicted  in
Gemini it gives a cynical,  sneering,  caustic and critical disposition  and
makes  these people feared and shunned on account of their disagreeable  na-
ture.   These  people are also vacillating and unable to  make  a  decision.
Thus they cannot be depended on to stand by their word or their promise  and
if  they keep an appointment once in a while it happens by  accident.   They
are always in trouble with brothers, sisters and neighbors and liable to ac-
cidents when traveling.   It also gives a predisposition to bronchitis,  in-
flammation of the lungs, pleurisy and pneumonia.

[PAGE 319]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

   MARS IN CANCER and well-aspected gives a bold,  independent and  fearless
nature  with a tendency to rebel against restraint,  a home-loving  disposi-
tion,  very industrious and ambitious to gather and protect all things which
make for comfort and luxury,  so that he is a good provider for the home  in
every respect.  But at the same time people with this aspect aim to exercise
unrestricted authority over everything and everybody within the home.   They
tolerate  no other authority there.   This position makes the temper  rather
uncertain  and gives a tendency and a desire for change of  occupation,  sot
that the person never really settles down to one line of endeavor but  takes
up a number of vocations and drops them suddenly.   If Mars is afflicted  in
Cancer it brings domestic troubles, frequent and violent scenes and quarrels
in  the home with a tendency to move frequently from one place  to  another;
inflammatory diseases of the stomach, and digestive ailments, also accidents
by fire in the home through recklessness or carelessness.

   MARS IN LEO and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest na-
ture,  fearless and independent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of
honor and responsibility, hence makes one eminently fitted to occupy a posi-
tion of trust either in a public or private concern.   These people are  en-
thusiastic and energetic either in work or play, lovers of sport and a  good

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time  generally.   They are very ardent in their admiration of the  opposite
sex  and woo the object of their affections with an intensity  that  carries
all  before it,  overrides all obstacles and brings the matter to  a  speedy
consummation.  These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean
in  a manner that is often extremely embarrassing in its  directness.   They
are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that  which
they  believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infrequently  arouse  op-
position on the part of those who differ from them.   They are very venture-
some  and  often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of  pleasure  or
business.   When Mars is afflicted in Leo it gives a fiery,  violent  temper
and  a liability to fever inflammatory diseases,  palpitation of the  heart,
hallucinations,  biliousness.  There is also danger of inordinate affection,
trouble  in courtship,  loss of children and loss through speculations.   An
afflicted  Mars in Leo gives the same daring as when well-aspected  but  the
danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted  planets
becomes foolhardy and reckless.

   MARS  IN VIRGO when well-aspected gives an ambitious nature and  a  quick
intellect,  able to grasp an idea and elaborate upon it.  It strengthens the
mental qualities and gives a scientific turn to the mind with an ability  to

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apply this faculty either in research work or in business.   The people with
this  position  are  therefore energetic and enterprising  in  many  of  the
world's  industrial affairs.   There their shrewdness  and  quick-wittedness
brings them success and preferment.   This is a good position for people who
are  engaged  in  any of the industries connected with  the  sick,  such  as
nurses,  doctors, chemists, the science of sanitation and hygiene,  prepara-
tion of health-foods and kindred occupations.  If people with Mars in  Virgo
are themselves overtaken by disease this position gives them the ability  to
recuperate quickly and makes them less liable to become chronic invalids  as
so many other Virgo people do.

   When Mars is afflicted in Virgo it subjects the mind to worry and irrita-
bility,  with a tendency to brood over troubles in life which are mostly il-
lusory.   No  matter how or where such people are employed they  are  always
critical  toward  their fellow-employees and the employer  and  dissatisfied
with everything connected with their work.  They are also of a dishonest na-
ture and cannot be trusted in a position of responsibility.   This  position
also makes people over-indulgent of their appetites and subject to  intesti-
nal disorders.

   MARS IN LIBRA and well-aspected gives an ardent, demonstrative and loving
nature which is very greatly attracted to the opposite sex and therefore  it

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inclines  to an early marriage.   It also gives an enthusiastic love of  art
and beauty in all their phases and it makes the person very popular with the
public or in societies of a social or religious nature.   This is an  excel-
lent position for a lawyer,  as it will bring much activity in this line and
it  is a good indication of general health.   But when Mars is afflicted  in
Libra  it makes the person very unpopular and subject to the opposition  and
criticism of the community;  danger of public scandal on account of unfaith-
fulness in sex relations, for Mars in Libra always produces a strong attrac-
tion  toward  the opposite sex and if he is afflicted there  the  nature  is
amorous  and fickles with the natural result that trouble arises by  playing
with the affections of others.

   MARS IN SCORPIO when well-aspected gives a keen,  sharp and forceful men-
tality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities
of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first
until  others get used to them and realize that they are not such  ogres  as
they seem.  They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage
and  inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever  goal
they  set themselves.   In this respect they are very selfish and  ready  to
sacrifice  whatever stands in their way.   They make good  police  officers,
soldiers  and  surgeons  and  are  able  to  fill any other position where a

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dominant  authority is required,  or skill with sharp tools.   In a  woman's
horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather
too free and generous with his means.   It also indicates the possibility of
a legacy.

   When  Mars  is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side  of  the
passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes  addiction
to solitary vice that saps the vitality,  and unless corrected it is  liable
to bring the person to an early grave.   In a woman's horoscope it indicates
that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that
parturition will be a dangerous event.   In either sex Mars in Scorpio indi-
cates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.

   MARS IN SAGITTARIUS and well-aspected gives an argumentative  disposition
and  fondness  of debating on subjects of serious nature such as  law,  phi-
losophy and religion.   It makes the person candid and open in all his deal-
ings with others, full of enthusiasm and ambition, anxious to appear well in
the eyes of the community,  although he would scorn to cater to the ideas of
others  where they do not coincide with this ideas of probity  and  justice.
These  people make interesting and ideal entertainers,  especially in  later
life for they are fond of traveling and are keen observers,  hence they  al-
ways have a fund of interesting and instructive  information  which they are

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both willing and anxious to impart to their hearers.   These people are also
fond  of  sports and out-door exercise,  in which they usually excel  and  a
well-aspected  Mars  in Sagittarius is an ideal position for a  lawyer.   It
makes  for much success in that direction by sharpening and  quickening  the
mental and oratorical faculties.

   When Mars is afflicted in Sagittarius he gives a sharp tongue and a quar-
relsome disposition and there is a dishonest streak in the nature, therefore
such  people  are often found generally disliked in the community  and  par-
ticularly in social circles, for they seem to be always at variance with the
ideas  and opinions of others and adopt a most supercilious attitude  toward
those  with whom they disagree.   These people are also liable to meet  with
accidents when they travel and to sustain a number of broken bones.

   MARS IN CAPRICORN when well-aspected adds much strength to the  character
for  it  gives an ambitious and enthusiastic disposition backed  by  an  in-
domitable courage and well-nigh inexhaustible energy together with a patient
persistence and perseverance that are bound to overcome all obstacles and in
the end reach the desired goal.  Therefore people with Mars in this position
are bound to rise in life,  particularly if Capricorn be placed in the Tenth
House.  It invites respect and esteem of the community so  that  people with

[PAGE 325]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

this  position  are often offered public appointments in addition  to  their
private  enterprises  and  they serve well in posts of honor  for  they  are
naturally  fitted to take great responsibilities and carry on  great  enter-
prises.   The wider their scope of action the better they like it,  for they
are superlatively efficient.

   When  Mars is afflicted in Capricorn there will be a similar ambition  to
do  great things but the person will be rash,  impulsive and  headstrong  so
that  he overreaches himself and takes upon himself more than he  can  carry
through.   He will also lack the persistence and perseverance  necessary  to
overcome  obstacles  and  as the disposition will  be  basically  dishonest,
through  he may rise on account of his enthusiasm and pretentious nature  to
some prominence he is certain to be shorn of his authority before very  long
and become an object of scorn and derision in the community.  There is noth-
ing worse than an afflicted Mars in Capricorn.  It also gives a liability to
accidents affecting the limbs and its reflex action on the part of the  body
ruled by the opposite sign,  viz., the stomach,  gives a tendency to gastric
troubles.   People with this affliction also have a hasty temper and a  vin-
dictive disposition.

   MARS IN AQUARIUS when well-aspected makes the person quick-witted and in-
tuitive, ingenious and original, enterprising and ambitious,  a  hard worker

[PAGE 326]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

for success in whatever line he chooses in life.  Hence he will gain friend-
ship  from  others who are able to help him realize his  hopes  and  wishes.
These people are also very mechanical and ingenious,  particularly in things
connected with the electrical science.   They also succeed well as managers,
officials  or workers in and for a philanthropic society or  public  utility

   When  Mars is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the person too  independent,
bombastic and resentful of authority, blunt of speech and manner toward oth-
ers,  and resentful in the highest degree if he is not treated with what  he
considers  proper  respect and consideration,  Hence such people  over  very
difficult  to get along with and often quarrel with everybody  around  them.
There is a tendency to loss through gambling and speculation.   An afflicted
Mars  in  Aquarius also gives a tendency to trouble with  the  eyes  because
Aquarius governs the ethers;  and by reflex action the opposite sign Leo may
cause palpitation of the heart.

   MARS IN PISCES when well-aspected gives ability as a detective, warden of
a prison or surgeon in a hospital and in kindred positions where the  person
does not come in direct contact with the public, but exercises  authority in

[PAGE 327]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

an  obscure  manner.   It also gives a tendency toward secret  love  affairs
which the person is able to hide from the public eye.   But when Mars is af-
flicted  in  Pisces  the indulgence of clandestine  intercourse  will  bring
trouble into the life.   There is also liability to suffer from the attaches
of  secret enemies and to become enmeshed in the net of the law  and  suffer
imprisonment, or it may manifest as an inordinate love of strong drink which
will  then cause imprisonment and makes the person a ward of the  community.
Much  trouble and many misfortunes are indicated because the nature  is  un-


gives a tendency to fever, especially if it occurs in Aries,  the sign which
governs the head, but it is curious that people with that configuration seem
also  to be able to endure a much higher temperature than others,  and  come
unscathed through such a siege of sickness as would ordinarily prove  fatal.
With  that exception these aspects produce a superabundance of vital  energy
which  assures their possessor of the most radiant health all through  life.
They  strengthen  the constitution and makes the person able to  endure  the
hardest tasks; they give him a dauntless determination and courage  to  face

[PAGE 328]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

the greatest odds.  Given a plan to follow he may be trusted to overcome all
physical  obstacles for he has both executive and constructive  ability  to-
gether with an indomitable will which refuses to recognize defeat.  The dis-
position is frank and open but blunt and often brusque;  such people are too
intensely bent on what they want to do to waste time in politeness and  sua-
vity, therefore they brush the conventionalities  aside without  compunction
and are consequently not liked by people of too fine sensibilities, but they
are  men and women of action and the foremost factors in the  world's  work;
but for their energy and enterprise the world would move much more slowly.

   THE SUN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MARS endows the person with an  abundance
of  energy,  the faculty of leadership,  but they are turned to purposes  of
deviltry and destruction;  the courage implanted by the good aspects becomes
foolhardiness and the person has a loud, overbearing,  swaggering manner and
is  ready to fight at the drop of a hat;  he is always in opposition to  the
constituted authority and ready to rebel wherever he sees a chance,  he  has
an  extremely fiery temper but holds not resentment.   On account  of  these
qualities he is universally disliked by both employees and his fellow  work-
ers,  always  in  hot  water  and never stays long in any place for he is an

[PAGE 329]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

agitator  and  trouble maker.   These aspects also dispose to  accidents  in
which the person may be maimed, to gunshot and knife-wounds,  also to scald-
ing, fevers, and inflammatory complaints, boils and eruptions.

   Aspects  to  the Sun and Mars are absolutely necessary to  give  zest  to
life; even adverse aspects are better than none, for where these planets are
unaspected  the person is usually listless, vapid and will never  amount  to
anything no matter how good the figure may be in other respects.

   VENUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MARS will give an ambitious,  aspiring and  ad-
venturous nature,  amorous and extremely demonstrative in its affection and,
very fond of sports and pleasures.   It gives the person an abundance of en-
ergy and business acumen,  consequently he has a splendid earning  capacity,
but  no matter how much money he makes it just filters through his  fingers,
for he loves above all things to make a great outward show and display.  Be-
ing a free spender he is also very popular among his associates,  and  being
as  already  said of an amorous nature he marries either very early  or  his
marriage is a very sudden and hasty one.  These aspects are also indications
of money by marriage or legacy.

[PAGE 330]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   VENUS  CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL MARS does not always operate in  the  same
manner, but these aspects are to be classed as good of bad according to cir-
cumstances and the matter to be judged.  For instance,  Mars conjunction Ve-
nus makes the person less blunt and domineering,  more kind and polite,  and
is therefore good in that respect, but the conjunction also strengthens  the
passional  nature,  especially if it occurs in Scorpio,  and in the  Twelfth
House  it often leads to self-abuse so that in those cases it  is  decidedly
bad.  Therefore students must exercise judgment before classifying these as-

   VENUS  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MARS gives a very voluptuous and  sensuous
disposition,  liable to gross excesses in the gratification of the  passions
which will spa the vitality.  It is likely to break down the health and con-
stitution,  leaving the person a wreck on the sea of life if it  is  allowed
free scope.   These people are altogether too generous, especially where the
opposite  sex is concerned.   They are very extravagant and on that  account
spend more than they can afford on themselves, besides what they squander on
their many AMOURS, so that no matter how much money they make, they are gen-
erally in financial difficulty,  and not infrequently they figure as  defen-
dants in the debtor's court.  If Mars or Venus is in Cancer,  Scorpio or Pi-
sces there is a tendency to  such  dissolute  and  dissipated living, such a

[PAGE 331]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

craving for low pleasures that,  if indulged,  it will drag the human  being
down below the level of animals.

   MERCURY SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MARS gives a keen,  sharp,  ingenious and re-
sourceful mentality.   It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition
which  appeals to him and he has also the ability to enthuse others and  im-
press them with his views.  He is an indefatigable worker in any cause which
arouses  his sympathies,  but he is no visionary,  he is interested only  in
concrete matters.   These people love argument or debate,  and they have  an
inexhaustible fund of wit and good humor,  sometimes blended with a vein  of
sarcasm which always strikes it mark,  yet never viciously nor  maliciously.
They  also  have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn  their  hands  to
whatever  task is required and do it with a speed,  facility and  expedition
that are astonishing to say the least.  They cannot do anything slowly or by
halves; whatever they undertake must be dome with a rush, and they put their
whole  energy into it so that they may accomplish the task and do  it  well;
hence  these aspects give success in life,  in almost any line  of  endeavor
these people may select,  but probably most in literature or the  mechanical

[PAGE 332]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   MERCURY CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO MARS gives the same mental energy, en-
thusiasm  and dexterity as the definitely good aspects but whether they  are
used for constructive and good purposes or for destructive and evil  depends
upon the other aspects,  house position and sign which they occupy.   If the
configuration  occurs  in a sign where either or both are  strong  and  well
placed,  as Mars in Aries or Capricorn, or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, or if
they  are fortified by good aspects from the Sun,  Venus and  Jupiter,  Mars
conjunction or parallel to Mercury will operate similarly to the sextile  or
trine as stated in the foregoing paragraph, which see;  but if Mars and Mer-
cury are in one of the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, or if either
or both are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune,  the conjunction or par-
allel  of Mars and Mercury will give the same evil tendencies as the  square
or opposition which are defined in the next paragraph.

   MERCURY SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MARS makes people quick-witted, sharp and
alert,  quick-tempered,  impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at  conclu-
sions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are al-
ways getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are danger-
ous associates.  They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of making
an exact statement.  It is just as natural for them  to  color or exaggerate

[PAGE 333]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

their statements as it is to breathe.  They are vitriolic in their wrath and
their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake,  hence they
are  either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be  bound
to them by environment;  all who can, shun them.   They are bullies who  are
bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are and they allow no obstacle to
stand  in their way which can be removed either by force or  slander.   They
are the acme of selfishness, swagger and consummate egotism.   The foregoing
tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects,  but if they are not,
such people are a menace to society.  If either Mars or Mercury is placed in
the  Sixth or Twelfth House or in any other position so that the bad  aspect
acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fe-
ver and insanity.

   THE  MOON SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MARS gives a wonderful vitality and  strong
physique  so that the person is able to withstand almost any  tendencies  to
ill-health,  which will be overcome by it.   The power of endurance  is  in-
creased and the person can survive hardships to which people ordinarily suc-
cumb.   It gives a resolute,  courageous, energetic and ambitious mind of  a
resourceful and eminently constructive turn.   It makes the person quick but
not precipitate in his decisions.  Thus he gains confidence  and  esteem  of

[PAGE 334]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

others  and earns considerable money,  but the nature is extremely free  and
generous so that money does not stay by such people--they spend it almost as
fast as they get it.

   THE  MOON CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO MARS may be either good or  bad  ac-
cording to the sex of the person and the department of life we are consider-
ing.   It strengthens the health and the vitality, particularly in the horo-
scope  of  a woman.   In the horoscope of a man it would indicate  a  robust
marriage  partner  of a domineering nature and with respect to the  mind  it
would make the person very impulsive,  particularly if placed in one of  the
common signs or in the Third or Ninth House.   It also gives a very bad tem-
per but not so bad as the square or opposition.   If Mars is in  conjunction
or  parallel  to the Moon in Scorpio it gives an abnormal sex  desire  which
will not be denied, particularly if Venus is there also.  In watery signs in
inclines  to drink,  and in any place it makes the person restless  and  un-
settled, for it is like mixing fire and water.

   THE  MOON  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MARS gives a very quick temper  and  a
tendency  to  hasty or impulsive expressions and acts that  may  cause  such
people a great deal of sorrow and trouble.  They resent rules or regulations
or any other measures that tend to curb their  desires  or the gratification

[PAGE 335]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

of their appetites in whatever direction.  But if they are in authority they
aver  domineering and exacting in their demands for instant  obedience  upon
the part of others,  not do they hesitate to use whatever physical force may
be  necessary to compel obedience if they thing they can do so  without  too
great danger to themselves.   Sometimes they will take desperate chances  to
satisfy their spite.   Having an improperly balanced mind they are foolhardy
in  their venturesomeness and upon occasion they will attempt to  do  things
which no one in his sane mind would try.   On account of the foregoing char-
acteristic such people make many enemies and cause a great deal of suffering
to others,  particularly among members of their immediate family who  cannot
very well get away from them.  If these aspects occur in watery signs,  par-
ticularly  with Mars or the Moon in Pisces the person is also an  inveterate
drunkard.   From the standpoint of health they give a tendency to  accidents
by  fire and water,  to fevers and acute inflammatory diseases,  wounds  and
gunshot, diseases of the genitals, too copious menses, danger in parturition
and indigestion.

   SATURN  SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MARS gives a determined and energetic  nature
capable  of  intense and sustained action and of obtaining  unusual  results

[PAGE 336]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

thereby.   The  executive ability,  dominant forcefulness and  endurance  of
these people are remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplish-
ing what others cannot achieve.   Hence they always rise to prominent  posi-
tions and are much esteemed on account of their ability, but they are seldom
liked,  for these aspects make the character cruel and hard.   They  give  a
strong physique and general good health.

bad  aspects indicating a selfish,  violent,  harsh and cruel nature,  quick
tempered and vindictive, absolutely dishonest,  untruthful and unscrupulous,
giving liability to public disgrace and imprisonment,  also to accident  and
violent death, and if one of the planets is essentially dignified or exalted
the evil influence is much enhanced.  It should also be remembered that such
serious  defects do not result from one aspect alone and if the  other  con-
figurations  in the horoscope are good the foregoing delineation  will  only
apply in a mild measure.

   JUPITER  SEXTILE  OR TRINE TO MARS.   It is the nature of Jupiter  to  be
somewhat conservative and dignified,  but when blended with the fire of Mars
it  gives  an enthusiasm and an ability to influence others and  imbue  them
with  the same feelings.   It makes the nature noble,  sincere,  honest  and
straightforward.  This aspect is also good for the financial  prosperity  of

[PAGE 337]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

the  person for both Mars and Jupiter when well-aspected attract money,  but
they differ in regard to disbursement.   Jupiter is somewhat conservative in
that respect,  but where the Martian and Jupiterian qualities are blended by
a good aspect the result is an ideal,  generous nature,  neither too  lavish
nor  too conservative,  but able to strike the happy medium.   These  people
have  much ingenuity and constructive ability and whatever they do they  put
their  whole  heart  into it.   Hence they are successful  in  business  and
popular in society.  They are fond of out-door sports and games.   They love
to travel and gain much pleasure by so doing.  Mars rules the haemoglobin in
the  blood which is so important a factor in health and  vitality  therefore
the good aspects of Jupiter and Mars increase the red blood corpuscles  with
the result that these people have abundance of health,  vitality,  power and

   JUPITER PARALLEL OR CONJUNCTION MARS strengthens the constitution and in-
creases the vitality the same as the good aspects.   It also indicates  that
the person is able to earn much money and uses it freely and generously, but
the mental qualities are similar to those conferred by the bad aspects.  The
person is tricky, deceitful, untruthful, impulsive in judgment and not to be
depended  upon.  If  the  conjunction  occurs  in  one  of the watery signs,

[PAGE 338]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

especially  in Pisces he will probably be a drunkard though this is  not  as
certain as with the square or opposition.   These people are generally  ple-
thoric and liable to apoplexy.

   JUPITER SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MARS is the signature of the gambler  and
if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces he will be a
drunkard  also,  a tricky,  dishonest and disreputable character who  always
acts through impulse.  With respect to health we find that these people suf-
fer principally from blood and liver complaints; the circulation is poor and
the blood is so rich that there is danger of apoplexy.

   URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MARS gives an energetic and ambitious disposi-
tion,  an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive mind which is resourceful in
the  highest  degree and able to cope with great difficulties  under  trying
circumstances.   Therefore people with these configurations are naturally of
an inventive turn of mind and successful in bringing their ideas to realiza-
tion.   Their  inventive genius expresses itself  usually  along  electrical
lines, aviation or other unusual directions for these aspects are one of the
marks  of the pioneer of the Aquarian age,  where science  and  intervention
will  reach  out  in  directions  that  are  now undreamed of even as possi-

[PAGE 339]                                        MARS, THE PLANET OF ACTION

bilities.  But while these people are dreamers of dreams they are also prac-
tical,  energetic  and  enterprising in a sufficient degree  to  make  their
dreams come true in the world.   They have a wide vision and a noble  nature
which rises over all petty distinctions of race,  creed or color and  recog-
nizes  in all human beings the divine spark which is the basis of  universal
brotherhood.  They may not be exactly religious in the orthodox sense of the
word,  but their ideas are truly cosmic,  hence they are often mistaken  for
visionaries by those who do not understand them.

ratic  and eccentric disposition,  a violent temper of the worst nature,  an
unusually resentment of even the slightest restraint and gives the person  a
stubborn, headstrong and dogged determination to go ahead in any line of ac-
tion upon which he has decided no matter what the outcome.   He will  listed
to  neither  reason nor entreaty but follows his own course in  defiance  of
all.   People with these configurations often become anarchists of the  red-
dest type for they do not stop even at the shedding of blood if other testi-
monies in the figure concur.  They are cruel, hard and cold with out a spark
of true love through they may be in flamed with passion of the most  burning
intensity.  This is particularly the case when  Mars  is  square  Uranus and

[PAGE 340]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

either planet is placed in Taurus or Scorpio.   In a woman's horoscope  Mars
square Uranus usually leads to seduction no matter where placed,  but if  in
Taurus or Scorpio escape is almost impossible.  The other characteristics of
these  planets in these configurations work themselves out according to  the
signs  wherein they are placed so that their placement in Taurus or  Scorpio
work upon the sex which is governed by these signs.  When one of these plan-
ets  is in Scorpio if the person takes up the profession of surgery be  will
become very cruel and unfeeling,  ready to operate for the mere pleasure  of
causing pain and in consequence or in pursuit of this passion he will  prob-
ably  take up vivisection and develop an unusual ingenuity in torturing  his
victims.  With Mars or Uranus in Scorpio or Pisces he will be underhanded to
tricky though he may show a very different front to the public.  In Aries it
will  make a rattlebrain,  in Gemini and Virgo an unusually quick  mentality
but  quick in seeing only how to trick others,  in Sagittarius it will  make
the  person very materialistic,  atheistic or fanatical against  the  estab-
lished  religion or society;  thus the planets blend their nature with  each
individual sign.


