

Pallas Athene(智神星)

Pallas Athene: The Warrior Queen

Associated Rulerships: Libra, Leo, Aquarius

Polarities: Courage/Fear

Virgin goddess of Wisdom, she was second only to Jupiter. As the goddess of war and victory, she was invincible in battle.

She is credited with advancing the civilizing influence of culture upon humanity, inventing the flute, trumpet, potter's wheel, earthenware, plough, rake and ox-yoke. As goddess of the arts and crafts, Pallas served as the patroness of artists, artisans, sculptors. As goddess of health and healing, she taught a variety of medical practices.

According to Homer, she sprung, fully formed from the head of Jupiter (Zeus). Throughout her history she is accompanies by serpent symbolism. Her gift of prophecy is derived from this essential relationship with the qualities of the serpent.

As Zeus's daughter, however, Athene was no feminist. "I am always for the male with all my heart, and strongly on my father's side." (Eumenides, lines 737-738)

As the principle of creative intelligence, Athene utilizes Venus' sexual energy to generate mental progeny. She is the vehicle through which thoughts take form, the spark of intelligence that initiates the creative act. She is the indicator of our intelligence and style of perception.

Stressful aspects to Athene can point to a number of possible problems in visual and auditory perceptions, color blindness, dyslexia, poor hand-eye coordination, limited vision and hearing, difficulties in learning, and mental retardation.

In physical healing, Athene acts to activate, balance and redirect the vital energy currents of the body. Polarity therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, macrobiotics, and cellular regeneration. T'ai Chi, aikido, and fencing.

A prominent Athene indicates that a person will seek companionship rather than passion in a relationship. She will help us see the person rather than judge them according to a sexual stereotype. Pallas types tend to over-identify with the opposite sex, the "effeminate" male, or "butch" female. She represents the need to balance the polarity of masculine/feminine. The bitter irony for a Pallas woman is that the more she expresses her creative potential, the more she threatens her opportunity to form a conventional relationship with a man. They are often torn between relationships and work.

Pallas in the signs show the 12 styles of perception through which the creative mind operates. Pallas Athene in the houses show us where the creative-mental urge is expressed and where fears of success may block that urge.

Athene in Aries

Shows a perception that seeks to activate or initiate. "Seeing" is in terms of how to get something going. Athletics who use their bodies as vehicles for the creative impulse.

Athene in Taurus

Represents perceiving through the physical-sense organs. One continually sees the beauty of the physical world through visual, auditory, and tactile senses. Laying on hands, healing, skilled in using color, form and texture to produce beauty through art, music and landscaping. Ecology, land reform. "Common Sense".

Athene in Gemini

Denotes perceiving through the written and spoken language. One sees the world through a plethora of words. Affirmations, NLP, and speech therapies. A warrior with words.

Athene in Cancer

suggests perceiving essentially through the emotions. One sees through feeling out one's way in the world. Creating healing with a "cup of coffee and a kind word". A defender of the home and family, empathy.

Athene in Leo

Represents a creative perception that is especially strong. One sees in terms of how one can impress one's unique vision on the world. Art therapy, psychodrama, dance and play therapy. Creating through drama and pleasure, acting, performing, courtship and romance as an artwork, and through solar inventions.

Athene in Virgo

Indicates an analytical perception. One has the ability to see the essence of things in their simplest forms. Hatha-Yoga techniques, purifying through food and exercise. Pottery, woodworking, sewing, computer programming.

Athene in Libra

This placement results in a person who seeks to reconcile opposites. One see in terms of spatial relations, balance, composition and cohesion. As a healer, Athene works here with techniques of energy balance such as polarity therapy and macrobiotics, marital counseling, conflict management, gestalt. Creating harmonious designs in graphics, interior design and fashion.

Athene in Scorpio

A penetrating perception. One is able to see as in an X-ray vision. As a healer, depth psychology, primal scream, past life regressions, and hypnosis. Sexual therapy and symbolic art, mandalas, tantric sexual practices.

Athene in Sagittarius

A conceptual perception. One sees in the broad-scale, the big picture. Mental healing, using the power of clear imagery of a perfect, whole body to resonate change and atunement. The urge is to create art that conveys the meaning of universal principles (the tarot) or emphasizes unique ethnic and cultural qualities. The sage or advisor to a ruler (Merlin).

Athene in Capricorn

Structural perception. One sees through a comprehension of the structural foundation which supports form. Chiropractic, posture therapy, rolfing, deep-tissue massage and dentistry. Architecture, drafting and sculpture. Being in the right place at the right time.

Athene in Aquarius

A futuristic vision. One can see in terms of possibilities in the future. Vibration, crystals and white light, healing with sound and color. She expresses by creating the new. sci-fi art, rock video, radical art, computer graphics.

Athene in Pisces

A diffuse vision. One sees through merging oneself in between the spaces of dense reality and experiencing a direct contact with the object. Psychic and faith healing, guided imagery, fantasy, dreams, and spiritual practices. Poetic inspirational and illusory qualities. Film and photography.

Pallas - Sun

The mental-creative combines with identity and purpose. The transformation of sexual-creative energy into artistic and mental accomplishments is central to the life purpose. Strength of character. Feels at ease with all kinds of sexual relationships. Stressed, a fear of one's power to accomplish, leading to blocks in the mental and creative process, difficulties with the father, feeling alienated with one's own sexual identity. Confusion in sexual interactions.

Pallas - Moon

The mental-creative combines with emotions and feelings. A fusion of intellect and emotion. A highly intuitive and fertile mind as well as psychic ability. May become involved with the protection or defense of minority groups. Stresses, an ongoing conflict between mind and feelings, meeting one's emotional versus ones achievement needs.

Pallas - Mercury

The mental-creative combines with intellect. Power and skill in words and communications media. Negotiation, affirmation, and positive thinking. Stresses, blocks in one's ability to reason, create and verbally express one's ideas. Mental or perceptual dysfunctions.

Pallas - Venus

The mental-creative combines with the feminine principle of love and sensuality. The ability to channel sexual energy into artistic expression. Androgeny, bisexuality, a protector of women's rights. Stressed, confusion over one's female sexual identity, conflict between intimate relating and creative accomplishment. In relationship, this may indicate an ambiguous relationship between people of complex sexual histories.

Pallas - Mars

The mental-creative combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. Fighting for cherished ideas. Stressed, a blockage in sexual-creative expression or the inability to actualize creative ideas. Sexual frustration, confusion over one's male identity.

Pallas - Jupiter

The mental-creative combines with the expansive urge. Exceptional intelligence. Philosophers, judicial or educational pursuits. Stressed, conflicts between ambition and ethics, inflated achievement needs. High expectations of father to child. Mental blocks in expressing concepts and ideas.

Pallas - Saturn

The mental-creative combines with the consolidation urge. This combination can lead to the concrete realization of one's creative ideas that arises from the ability to infuse self-discipline and structure into one's creative process. The capacity for mental concentration and focus. Experience a sense of social responsibility and campaign against unjust social laws. Stresses, potential conflicts between the need for pragmatism and freedom of expression which can lead to the blocking of the creative process. Parental pressure and high expectations may cause a lack of confidence.

Pallas - Uranus

The mental-creative combines with individuality and intuition. Can universalize the creative pulse to produce a visionary and humanitarian perception. An original and intuitive mind, especially in science and technology. The ability to work with electrical fields in healing. Stressed, the tendency for erratic thinking and an overloaded nervous system. Rebellious ideas and behavior.

Pallas - Neptune

The mental-creative combines with the transcendent urge. Telepathic abilities and the capacity for psychic healing using color and music. Special talents in fine arts, film and photography. A high degree of faith and spirituality. Stressed, confusion in one's perception of reality with the inability to distinguish between the real and unreal. Mental delusions and hallucinations can occur.

Pallas - Pluto

The mental-creative combines with the transformation urge. The power of ideas to transform reality. There may exist the capacity to work with regenerative healing techniques, as well as inventive and artistic processes. One's inner and outer fe/male identity roles may be subject to far reaching changes. Stressed, deep unconscious blockages in the expression of one's sexual identity and creative potential. Powerful mental obsessions and fixations.

Pallas - Chiron

The mental creative combines with the principle of holistic understanding.

Pallas - Juno

The mental-creative combines with the relating urge. Using partnerships to enhance the creative process. Stressed, conflict between creativity needs and relationship needs. The partner may place limitations on one's creativity and accomplishments. Early father complexes may be carried over into adult relationships.

Pallas - Vesta

The mental-creative combines with creative self-expression. This is a powerful combination for focusing and manifesting one's vision. Inspired by a cause, these people have the capacity to sublimate sexual energy into an artistic, political, intellectual or spiritual pursuit. A talent for the healing arts. Stressed, blocks in the expression of one's intellect or creativity. Social and sexual alienation from others. Political fanaticism may be present.

[Additional Notes]

Sulphur was sacred to Athene, as the people believed that burning brimstone would drive away spirits of disease. She was originally a Libyan variously named Nieth, Metis, Medusa, Anath, or Ath-enna; to Egyptians Athene was a title of Isis, meaning "I have come from myself". Her sign represents female self-determination, freedom, and great skill in the civilized arts.

